Real estate


The real estate market in Germany has been booming for years. This sector is the subject of fierce competition also on the public opinion market. If one considers the number of players on the market – from property investment funds and architecture firms all the way to estate agents – it is hard not to fall out of sight in the broad (over)supply and establish a clear corporate profile.

Consequently, there is a need for professional, target-group-appropriate and high-impact communication measures. And this is exactly where relatio PR can also support you and your real estate project.

Real estate PR
  • Holistic real estate communications with a 360° view of the entire value chain
  • Strategy and conception: Flexible planning of measures based on the particularities of the sector
  • Content creation for newsletters, white papers, etc.
  • Positioning of clients in industry-relevant professional media, daily media, business media and social media
  • Controlling of measures and adaptation

Munich Headquarters

relatio PR GmbH
Steinsdorfstr. 2
80538 Munich

Phone: +49 89 210 257-0
Fax: +49 89 210 257 19
Email: info@relatio-pr.de

Our network partners

Advice Partners

Munich Headquarters

relatio PR GmbH
Steinsdorfstr. 2
80538 Munich

Phone: +49 89 210 257-0
Fax: +49 89 210 257 19
Email: info@relatio-pr.de

Our network partners

Advice Partners